2025-01-10 07:00 1次- 发布企业
- 天津市天联线缆有限公司销售部商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第3年主体名称:天津市天联线缆有限公司组织机构代码:91120222MA06PCNC60
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- 天联线缆
- 产地
- 河北省廊坊市大城县
- 关键词
- 计算机电缆厂家 计算机电缆规格型号 天联线缆
- 所在地
- 天津市武清区曹子里镇
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- 0316-2158670
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- 18533641666
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300/500V塑料绝缘计算机电缆Control cables forcomputer 本产品适用于交流额定电压300/500V及以下防干扰性能要求较高的电子计算机、检测仪器、仪表的连接。阻燃电子计算机屏蔽控制电缆、耐火电子计算机屏蔽控制电缆、低卤低烟或无卤低烟阻燃电子计算机屏蔽控制电缆也适用于有阻燃、耐火、低烟无毒要求的场所。Thisproduct is suitable for connection of computer, inspectionapparatus and instruments with more requirement of preventinginterference with rated voltage up to 300/500V. Flame-retardantcontrol cable for computer, Fire-resisting control cable forcomputer, low-smoke low-halogen or low-smoke halogen-freeflame-retardant control cable for computer are fit forflame-retardant, fire-resisting, low-smoke innocuitysystem.一、使用特性 Requirements ofapplication1、 额定电压U0/U 为300/500V。Ratedvoltage U0/U:300/500V.2、 电缆导体的长期允许工作温度:聚氯乙烯、聚乙烯绝缘为700C,交联聚乙烯绝缘为850C。Themax. temperature of conductor in normaloperation: 700C is for PE or PVC insulatedcables, 850C is for XLPE insulatedcables.3、 电缆敷设温度应不低于00C。Laid temperature shall benot lessthan 00C.4、 允许弯曲半径:有铠装层或铜带屏蔽结构的电缆应不小于电缆外径的12倍; 其它电缆应不小于电缆外径的6倍;Theallowed bending radius for installation: It’s not less than 12times of outer diameter for armored or copper tape screen controlcables, and it’s not less than 6 times of outer diameter forothers. 二、主要技术性能 Main technicalcharacteristic1、 200C时的导体直流及电缆的绝缘电阻符合GB9330-88。D.C.resistance of conductor and insulation resistance shall be inconformity withGB9330-88.2、 电缆能经受5min、2000V耐压试验。The cable canundergo A.C. voltage of 2000V for 5 minutes withoutbreakdown.3、 电缆绞对的工作电容在频率为1kHZ时≤115×10-12F/m。Operatingcapacitance in pairs of cables shall be less or equal to115×10-12F/m.4、阻燃计算机屏蔽控制电缆能通过GB/T19666-2005规定的A类(试样每米所含非金属材料的总体积为7升,供火时间40min,炭化部分所到达的高度不超过2.5m)、B类(试样每米所含非金属材料的总体积为3.5升,供火时间40min,炭化部分所到达的高度不超过2.5m)、C类(试样每米所含非金属材料的总体积为1.5升,供火时间20min,炭化部分所到达的高度不超过2.5m)燃烧试验。Retardant-flamescreen control cable for computer can reach class A(Volume of allnon-metallic materials per meter from the selected cables is 7liter, fire supplying duration is 40min , the height of carbonizedpart shall be not more than 2.5m), Class B (Volume of allnon-metallic material per meter from the selected cables is 3.5liter, fire supplying duration is 40min, the height of carbonizedpart shall be not more than 2.5m) and Class C(Volume of allnon-metallic material per meter from the selected cables is 1.5liter , fire supplying duration is 20 minutes, the height ofcarbonized part shall be not more than 2.5m) testunder fire conditions specifying inGB/T19666-2005.5、耐火计算机屏蔽控制电缆能通过GB/T19666-2005规定规定(温度为750~800℃持续供火90min,2A熔丝不熔断)的燃烧试验。Fire-resistingscreen control cable for computer can pass pass (fuse shall be notmelted during 90 minutes fire supplying at the temperature of750~800℃) test under fire conditions specifying inGB/T19666-2005.6、低卤低烟、无卤低烟阻燃计算机屏蔽控制电缆能满足GB/T17650(等效IEC60754-2)及GB/17651(等效IEC61034-1)试验要求。
序号No. | 性能名称Items | 无卤低烟类Low-smoke halogen-free | 低卤低烟类Low-smoke low-halogen | 试验方法Teststandard |
1 | 电缆烟密度试验透光率Test of smoke density of cables burning under definedcondition: light penetrating ratio | ≮60% | ≮30% | GB/T17651 |
2 | 取自电缆的护套材料燃烧时卤酸气体逸出量the amount of halogen acid gas evolved duringcombustion of sheath materials from cable | ≯5mg/g | ≯100mg/g | GB/T17650 |
3 | 燃烧气体酸度试验,水溶液的PH值Test of degree of acidity of gases: PH of watersolution | ≮4.3 | ≮2.5 | GB/T17650 |
4 | 燃烧气体酸度试验,水溶液的导电率Test of degree of acidity of gases: conductivity ofwater solution | ≯10us/mm | ≯180us/mm | GB/T17650 |
Low-smoke low halogen andlow-smoke halogen-free retardant-flame screen control cable forcomputer can reach the requirements of GB/T17650(idt IEC60754-2)andGB/T17651(idtIEC61034-1). 三、型号、名称、使用范围 Type,designation and application
型号type | 名称 designation | 使用环境application | |
DJYP1V DJVP1VDJYJP1V | 铜芯聚乙烯绝缘或聚氯乙烯绝缘或交联聚乙烯绝缘对绞铝塑复合带屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套电子计算机控制电缆Copper conductorPE/PVC/XLPE insulated twisted AL/PETP tape screened PVC sheathscreened control cable for computer | 敷设在室内、电缆沟、管道等要求屏蔽固定场合Installed in fixed places, such as indoors,trenches or ducts with screen requirement | |
DJYP1VP1 DJVP1VP1DJYJP1VP1 | 铜芯聚乙烯绝缘或聚氯乙烯绝缘或交联聚乙烯绝缘对绞铝塑复合带屏蔽铝塑复合带总屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套电子计算机控制电缆Copperconductor PE/PVC/XLPE insulated twisted AL/PETP tape individuallyand collectively screened PVC sheath control cable forcomputer | ||
DJYP2V DJVP2VDJYJP2V | 铜芯聚乙烯绝缘或聚氯乙烯绝缘或交联聚乙烯绝缘对绞铜带屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套电子计算机控制电缆Copper conductorPE/PVC/XLPE insulated twisted copper tape screened PVC sheathcontrol cable for computer | ||
DJYP2VP2 DJVP2VP2DJYJP2VP2 | 铜芯聚乙烯绝缘或聚氯乙烯绝缘或交联聚乙烯绝缘对绞铜带屏蔽铜带总屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套电子计算机控制电缆Copper conductorPE/PVC/XLPE insulated twisted copper tape individually andcollectively screened PVC sheath control cable for computer | ||
DJYPV DJVPVDJYJPV | 铜芯聚乙烯绝缘或聚氯乙烯绝缘或交联聚乙烯绝缘对绞铜丝屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套电子计算机控制电缆Copper conductorPE/PVC/XLPE insulated twisted copper wire braided screen PVC sheathcontrol cable for computer | ||
DJYVP DJVVPDJYJVP | 铜芯聚乙烯绝缘或聚氯乙烯绝缘或交联聚乙烯绝缘对绞铜丝总屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套电子计算机控制电缆Copper conductorPE/PVC/XLPE insulated twisted copper wire braided collectivelyscreen PVC sheath control cable for computer | ||
DJYVP1 DJVVP1DJYJVP1 | 铜芯聚乙烯绝缘或聚氯乙烯绝缘或交联聚乙烯绝缘对绞铝塑复合带总屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套电子计算机控制电缆Copper conductorPE/PVC/XLPE insulated twisted AL/PETP tape collectively screen PVCsheath control cable for computer | ||
DJYVP2 DJVVP2DJYJVP2 | 铜芯聚乙烯绝缘或聚氯乙烯绝缘或交联聚乙烯绝缘对绞总铜带屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套电子计算机控制电缆Copper conductorPE/PVC/XLPE insulated twisted copper tape collectively screen PVCsheath control cable for computer | ||
DJYPVR DJVPVRDJYJPVR | 铜芯聚乙烯绝缘或聚氯乙烯绝缘或交联聚乙烯绝缘对绞铜丝屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套电子计算机控制软电缆Copper conductorPE/PVC/XLPE insulated twisted copper wire braided screen PVC sheathflexible control cable for computer | 敷设在室内移动要求柔软屏蔽的场合installed in indoors with flexible and screenrequirements | |
DJYPVPR DJVPVPRDJYJPVPR | 铜芯聚乙烯绝缘或聚氯乙烯绝缘或交联聚乙烯绝缘对绞铜丝屏蔽铜丝总屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套电子计算机控制软电缆Copper conductorPE/PVC/XLPE insulated twisted copper wire braided individually andcollectively screen PVC sheath flexible control cable forcomputer | ||
DJYVPR DJVVPRDJYJVPR | 铜芯聚乙烯绝缘或聚氯乙烯绝缘或交联聚乙烯绝缘对绞铜丝总屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套电子计算机控制软电缆Copper conductorPE/PVC/XLPE insulated twisted copper collectively screen PVC sheathflexible control cable for computer | ||
生产范围scope of production | 标称截面 nominal cross-sectional area mm2 | 0.75,1.0,1.5,2.5 | |
线芯对数 pairs | 1~19 |
成立日期 | 2019年05月27日 | ||
法定代表人 | 朱青 | ||
注册资本 | 500 | ||
主营产品 | 通信电缆/ 矿用通信电缆 /计算机电缆 /铁路信号电缆/ 大对数电缆 /矿用控制电缆/主营行业: 计算机电缆/通信电缆/信号电缆/控制电缆/ | ||
经营范围 | 电线电缆制造,加工,销售(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) | ||
公司简介 | 天津市天联线缆有限公司是生产天联电缆,矿用通信电缆MHYVP,矿用通信电缆MHYV,矿用通信电缆MHYVRP,HYA23电缆,市话电缆HYA23,铠装通信电缆HYA23,电话电缆HYA23,大对数电缆HYA23,HYA通信电缆,HYA23通信电缆,HYA53通信电缆,HYA22通信电缆,6xv1830-0eh10总线电缆,矿用控制电缆,电话电缆,矿用通信电缆,信号电缆,矿用电话电缆及市内通信电缆的 ... |
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- 阻燃铠装网线ZR-HSGWP22-2*5LGYTA/S-4A1矿用48芯室外多模光缆通讯网络,RS4852*2*1.5,天联牌屏蔽双绞线,通讯电缆RS485电缆标准... 2025-01-05
- HSGWP22-2*5L屏蔽网线 RS485-22 -2*2*0.75 铠装通讯电缆 现场总线通讯网络,RS4852*2*1.5,天联牌屏蔽双绞线,通讯电缆RS485电缆标准... 2025-01-05
- 带插头拉力电缆-MHYBV1*50米电缆 HSGWP22-2*5L铠装网线通讯网络,RS4852*2*1.5,天联牌屏蔽双绞线,通讯电缆RS485电缆标准... 2025-01-05
- 矿用拉力电缆MHYBV-1X50米 HSGWP22-2*5L铠装网线通讯网络,RS4852*2*1.5,天联牌屏蔽双绞线,通讯电缆RS485电缆标准... 2025-01-05
- WDZ-DJYPYPR 10*2*1.5低烟无卤阻燃计算机电缆品牌:天联线缆
- IA-DJYVP 3*2*1.5本安仪表信号防爆计算机电缆品牌:天联线缆
- IA-ZR-DJYP3VP3R 2*2*1.0防爆型计算机电缆品牌:天联线缆
- 天联牌JYPVPR 3*2*1.0计算机屏蔽软电缆品牌:天联线缆
- DJYPVPR DJVPVP22 5*2*1.5计算机控制电缆品牌:天联线缆
- IA-DJYP2VP2 2*2*1.5本质安全电路用计算机屏蔽电缆品牌:天联线缆
- NH-DJYVP3*2*1.5计算机电缆品牌:天联线缆
- 矿用阻燃网线型号规格大全品牌:天联线缆
- 双护套矿用阻燃网线品牌:天联线缆
- 矿用网线 矿用阻燃网线 MA煤安标志认证产品厂家品牌:天联线缆